Success Quotes - Part 17

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Success Quotes - Part 17

Junot Díaz

“Success, after all, loves a witness, but failure can't exist without one.”

- Junot Díaz
Criss Jami

“The harder you fall, the heavier your heart; the heavier your heart, the stronger you climb; the stronger you climb, the higher your pedestal.”

- Criss Jami
Roy T. Bennett

“Failures are the stairs we climb to reach success.”

- Roy T. Bennett
Roy T. Bennett

“How much you can learn when you fail determines how far you will go into achieving your goals.”

- Roy T. Bennett
Criss Jami

“Find a purpose to serve, not a lifestyle to live.”

- Criss Jami
Tony DeLiso

“Happiness is part of who we are. Joy is the feeling”

- Tony DeLiso
Kelly Cutrone

“I advise you to stop sharing your dreams with people who try to hold you back, even if they're your parents. Because, if you're the kind of person who senses there's something out there for you beyond whatever it is you're expected to do - if you want to be EXTRA-ordinary- you will not get there by hanging around a bunch of people who tell you you're not extraordinary. Instead, you will probablybecome as ordinary as they expect you to be.”

- Kelly Cutrone
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